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Edmund Beecher Wilson in the US published An Atlas of Fertilization and Karyokinesis of the Ovum (hereafter called An Atlas) in 1895. The book…
LiteratureKaryokinesisFertilization (Biology)ConceptionDevelopmental BiologyArthur Earl Walker was a medical researcher and physician who studied the brain and neurosurgery in the United States during the twentieth century.…
NeurologyBrain--Ventricles--SurgeryJohns Hopkins HospitalJohns Hopkins Hospital. Department of MedicineDandy-Walker SyndromeIn 1893, Julia Barlow Platt published her research on the origins of cartilage in the developing head of the common mudpuppy (Necturus maculosus)…
CartilageEmbryosGastrulationEmbryologyNecturusBarbara McClintock conducted experiments on corn (Zea mays) in the United States in the mid-twentieth century to study the structure and function of…
TransposonsCornCytogeneticsChromosomesGeneticsDe ovi mammalium et hominis genesi (On the Genesis of the Ovum of Mammals and of Men) is an 1827 pamphlet by Karl Ernst von Baer about the anatomical…
LiteratureBaer, Karl Ernst von, 1792-1876developmentAnatomy, ComparativeGerm CellsAristotle studied developing organisms, among other things, in ancient Greece, and his writings shaped Western philosophy and natural science for…
GreecedevelopmentphilosophyPlatoPhysicsFriedrich Tiedemann studied the anatomy of humans and animals in the nineteenth century in Germany. He published on zoological subjects, on the heart…
BrainAnatomy, ComparativeEmbryologyFetal braindevelopmentNeurocristopathies are a class of pathologies in vertebrates, including humans, that result from abnormal expression, migration, differentiation, or…
CellsVertebratesdevelopmentCleft PalateAlbinismEarly in the process of development, vertebrate embryos develop a fold on the neural plate where the neural and epidermal ectoderms meet, called the…
VertebratesdevelopmentGerm LayersNeural CrestNeural Crest CellsThe Law of Acceleration of Growth is a theory proposed by Edward Drinker Cope in the US during the nineteenth century. Cope developed it in an…
developmentEvolutionCope, E. D. (Edward Drinker), 1840-1897Growth and Development