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Gustav Jacob Born was an experimental embryologist whose original work with amphibians served as the platform for his wax-plate method of embryo…
PeopleTransplantationBiographyAmphibiansChristian Heinrich Pander, often remembered as the father of embryology, also explored the fields of osteology, zoology, geology, and anatomy. He was…
PeopleBiographyChicksLandrum Brewer Shettles is remembered as an important contributor to early in vitro fertilization research in the United States as well as a prolific…
PeopleFertilization in VitroReproductionBiographyFertilizationFrank R. Lillie was born in Toronto, Canada, on 27 June 1870. His mother was Emily Ann Rattray and his father was George Waddell Little, an…
PeopleLillie, Frank Rattray, 1870-1947BiographyLaboratoriesCell LineageCaspar Friedrich Wolff is most famous for his 1759 doctoral dissertation, Theoria Generationis, in which he described embryonic development in both…
PeopleEpigenomicsBiographyEpigeneticsThe scientific field of embryology experienced great growth in scope and direction in Germany from approximately 1850 to 1920. During this time,…
PeopleZiegler, Adolf, 1820-BiographyModelsRicardo Hector Asch was born 26 October 1947 in Buenos Aires, Argentina, to a lawyer and French professor, Bertha, and a doctor and professor of…
PeopleFertilityethicsBiographyCharles Bonnet was a naturalist and philosopher in the mid eighteenth century. His most important contribution to embryology was the discovery of…
PeopleParthenogenesisBiographyJacques Loeb experimented on embryos in Europe and the United States at the end of the nineteenth and beginning of the twentieth centuries. Among…
PeopleParthenogenesisBiographyPatrick Christopher Steptoe was a British gynecologist responsible for major advances in gynecology and reproductive technology. Throughout his…