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Light therapy, also called phototherapy, exposes infants with jaundice, a yellowing of the skin and eyes, to artificial or natural light to break…
TechnologyPhototherapyJaundiceKernicterusBilirubinJerold Lucey studied newborn infants in the United States in the twentieth century. In the 1960s and 1970s, Lucey studied phototherapy as a treatment…
PhototherapyJaundiceJaundice, NeonatalNeonatologyBilirubinExchange transfusion is the replacement of blood from newborn infants with elevated bilirubin level in their blood stream with donor blood containing…
TechnologyJaundice, NeonatalHyperbilirubinemia, NeonatalRh factorErythroblastosis FetalisIn 1968, pediatric researchers Jerold Lucey, Mario Ferreiro, and Jean Hewitt conducted an experimental trial that determined that exposure to light…