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In 2006, the United States branch of Merck & Co. received FDA approval for Gardasil, a human papillomavirus, or HPV, vaccine that protects…
OrganizationCervix uteri--CancerPapillomavirusesVaccine mandatesMeasles vaccineIn 2006, the article “HPV in the Etiology of Human Cancer,” hereafter “HPV and Etiology,” by Nubia Muñoz, Xavier Castellsagué, Amy Berrington de…
LiteraturePapillomavirusesCervix uteri--CancerVaccine mandatesMouth--CancerIn 2017, Angiolo Gadducci, Silvestro Carinelli, and Giovanni Aletti published, "Neuroendocrine Tumor of the Uterine Cervix: A Therapeutic…
LiteratureCervical CancerCancerUterine Cervical NeoplasmsNeoplasmsOn 20 August 2007, in Frazer v. Schlegel, the United States Court of Appeals for the Federal Circuit decided that researchers Ian Frazer and Jian…
LawFrazer, I. H. (Ian H.)Zhou, JianGlaxoSmithKlineZur Hausen, HaraldFrom 1936 to 1945, the Women’s Field Army, hereafter the WFA, educated women in the US on the early symptoms, prevention, and treatment of…
OrganizationCancercarcinomapublic healthUterine Cervical NeoplasmsThe HeLa cell line was the first immortal human cell line that George Otto Gey, Margaret Gey, and Mary Kucibek first isolated from Henrietta Lacks…
HeLa CellsContinuous cell linesResearch EthicsInformed consent (Medical law)Cervix uteri--CancerIan Hector Frazer studied the human immune system and vaccines in Brisbane, Australia, and helped invent and patent the scientific process and…
PeopleHIV infectionsHIV-positive personsHIV (Viruses)Vaccines industryThe Human Papillomavirus (HPV) strains 16 and 18 are the two most common HPV strains that lead to cases of genital cancer. HPV is the most commonly…
PapillomavirusesHuman Papilloma VirusHuman papillomavirus 16Human papillomavirus 18Uterine Cervical Neoplasms