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A vasectomy is a surgery that works to inhibit reproduction by interrupting the passage of sperm through the vas deferens, a tube in the male…
VasectomyVasovasostomyVasectomy ReversalEugenicsSterilization, ReproductiveHarry Clay Sharp was a surgeon who performed one of the first recorded vasectomies with the purpose of sterilizing a patient. Sterilization is the…
VasectomyEugenicsSterilizationFamily PlanningMale SterilizationLaparoscopic tubal sterilization is a set of surgical techniques that use laparoscopy to render people with female reproductive systems sterile, or…
Female SterilizationReproductive SterilizationSterilization, ReproductiveReproductive System, FemaleLaparoscopyCharles Benedict Davenport, Madison Grant, and Henry Fairfield Osborn founded the Galton Society for the Study of the Origin and Evolution of Man, or…
OrganizationEugenicsDavenport, Charles Benedict, 1866-1944Laughlin, Harry Hamilton, 1880-1943segregationVasovasostomy is a microsurgical procedure to restore fertility after vasectomy, a surgery that sterilizes the patient by severing the vas deferentia…
TechnologyVasovasostomyVas DeferensMicrosurgeryVas OcclusionIn 1912, Henry Herbert Goddard published The Kallikak Family: A Study in the Heredity of Feeble-Mindedness, hereafter The Kallikak Family, in which…
LiteratureIntellectual DisabilityMental DeficiencyEugenicsEugenics--United States--HistoryOn March 28, 1978, in Stump v. Sparkman, hereafter Stump, the United States Supreme Court held, in a five-to-three decision, that judges have…
LawSterilizationSterilization of womenInvoluntary SterilizationJudicial immunityEugen Steinach researched sex hormones and their effects on mammals in the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries in Europe. He experimented…
Hormones, SexGenerative organsGenital OrgansGonadal Steroid HormonesTesticular HormonesNo-scalpel vasectomy, or NSV or keyhole vasectomy, is a surgical method of sterilization that involves puncturing the skin of the scrotum to access…
TechnologySterilizationVasectomyMale SterilizationFamily Planning