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On 1 July 1976, the US Supreme Court decided in the case Planned Parenthood v. Danforth that provisions of a Missouri law regulating abortion care…
LawAbortion--Law and legislation--United StatesAbortionBirth control clinicsContraceptionOn 1 February 1998, David T. Helm, Sara Miranda, and Naomi Angoff Chedd published “Prenatal Diagnosis of Down Syndrome: Mothers’ Reflections on…
Down syndromeCongenital AbnormalitiesGenetic disorders in pregnancygenetic testingAmniocentesisDennis Lo, also called Yuk Ming Dennis Lo, is a professor at the Chinese University of Hong Kong in Hong Kong, China. In 1997, Lo discovered fetal…
genetic testingHuman chromosome abnormalities--DiagnosisPrenatal DiagnosisAmniocentesisChorionic Villus SamplingNoninvasive fetal aneuploidy detection technology allows for the detection of fetal genetic conditions, specifically having three chromosomes, a…
TechnologyDown syndromeAneuploidyLo, Y. M. DennisCleft PalateAmniocentesis is a test used for prenatal diagnosis of inherited diseases, Rh incompatibility, neural tube defects, and lung maturity. Normally…