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Edgar Allen identified and outlined the role of female sex hormones and discovered estrogen in the early 1900s in the US. In 1923, Allen, through his…
EstrogenHormones, SexOogenesisEstrusMenstrual CycleIn 1953, Raymond Greene and Katharina Dalton, who were doctors in the UK, published The Premenstrual Syndrome in the British Medical Journal. In…
LiteraturePremenstrual syndromeMigraineMenstruationMenstruation disordersNorman Haire was a physician who advocated for eugenics, which is the betterment of human population by promoting positive traits, and birth control…
Haire, Norman, 1892-1952EugenicsMalthusian LeagueBirth ControlSexIn the early 1920s, researchers Edgar Allen and Edward Adelbert Doisy conducted an experiment that demonstrated that ovarian follicles, which produce…
OvariesCorpus LuteumEndometriumEstrogenHormones, SexEugen Steinach researched sex hormones and their effects on mammals in the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries in Europe. He experimented…
Hormones, SexGenerative organsGenital OrgansGonadal Steroid HormonesTesticular HormonesIn 1996, the US Congress mandated that the US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) create and regulate the Endocrine Disruptor Screening Program.…
Endocrine disrupting chemicalsEndocrine toxicologyDevelopmental endocrinologyEndocrine SystemHormonesEstrogen is the primary sex hormone in women and it functions during the reproductive menstrual cycle. Women have three major types of estrogen:…
Menstrual CycleOral contraceptivesEstrogenEstradiolEstroneDiethylstilbestrol (DES) is an artificially created hormone first synthesized in the late 1930s. Doctors widely prescribed DES first to pregnant…
DiethylstilbestrolDiethylstilbestrol--Side effectsDiethylstilbestrol--CarcinogenicityPregnancyEstrogenIn 1947, Carl Richard Moore, a researcher at the University of Chicago, in Chicago, Illinois, wrote Embryonic Sex Differentiation and Sex Hormones,…
LiteratureEndocrinologyHormones, SexGonadal Steroid HormonesFreemartinismCarl Richard Moore was a professor and researcher at the University of Chicago in Chicago, Illinois who studied sex hormones in animals from 1916…
Moore, Carl R. (Carl Richard), 1892-1955Intersexuality in animalsIntersex peopleHormones, SexSex Differentiation