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Menstrual hygiene management, or MHM, is a concept that concerns girls' and women’s access to the appropriate information and resources to manage…
MenstruationMenstruation--Social aspectsFeminine Hygiene ProductsUNICEFUnited Nations and non-member nationsIn 2008, Celeste Mergens founded the organization Days for Girls to address obstacles impeding women’s and girls’ access to sustainable hygiene and…
OrganizationMenstruationMenstruation--Social aspectsFeminine Hygiene ProductsSanitary napkinsOn 5 April 2018, the documentary Period. End of Sentence. premiered at the Cleveland International Film Festival in Cleveland, Ohio. In the…
LiteratureMenstruationMenstruation--Social aspectsFeminine Hygiene ProductsSanitary napkinsIn July 2015, Marni Sommer and colleagues published “Comfortably, Safely, and Without Shame: Defining Menstrual Hygiene Management as a Public Health…
LiteratureMenstruationMenstruation--Social aspectsFeminine Hygiene ProductsSanitary napkinsIn their 2014 article “A Comparison of the Menstruation and Education Experiences of Girls in Tanzania, Ghana, Cambodia, and Ethiopia,” hereafter “…
LiteratureMenstruationMenstrual CycleFeminine Hygiene ProductsMenstrual cycle--Psychological aspectsIn October 2017, Columbia University Mailman School of Public Health in New York City, New York, and the International Rescue Committee published A…
LiteratureRefugee campsWomen refugeesRefugee childrenDisplaced PersonsEndometriosis is a condition characterized by the growth of the endometrium, or the tissue that lines the uterus, outside of the uterus, and it is…
EndometriosisMenstruation--Social aspectsMenstruationEducation, MedicalMainstreaming, EducationIn “Beyond Menstrual Hygiene: Addressing Vaginal Bleeding Throughout the Life Course in LMICs,” hereafter “Beyond Menstrual Hygiene,” Marni Sommer,…
LiteratureMenstruation disordersFeminine Hygiene ProductsMenstrual cycle--Psychological aspectsStigmatizationMenstrupedia published the comic book Menstrupedia Comic: The Friendly Guide to Periods for Girls, hereafter Menstrupedia Comic, in July 2014 in…
LiteratureMenstrual CycleMenstrual cycle in artMenstrual cycle--Psychological aspectsComic books and childrenNovaSure is a device for endometrial ablation, which is a procedure that removes the endometrium, that the US Food and Drug Administration, or FDA,…
TechnologyReproductionMenstruationWomen's health servicesmedical technology