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The crystal jellyfish, Aequorea victoria, produces and emits light, called bioluminescence.
Green fluorescent proteinFluorescent polymersProteinsBiofluorescenceLuminescenceChloroplasts are the organelles in plant and algal cells that conduct photosynthesis.
ChloroplastsPlastidsChloroplast membranesThylakoidsChlorophyllThe Southern Gastric Brooding Frog (Rheobotrahcus silus) was a frog species that lived in Australia. It was declared extinct in 2002.
EggsFrogsAustraliaTadpolesAmphibians--LarvaeMitochondria are organelles found in the cytoplasm of eukaryotic cells. They are composed of an outer membrane and an inner membrane.
Cell organellesMitochondriaEukaryotic cellsMitochondrionOrganelles