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Alejandro Sánchez Alvarado is a Professor of Neurobiology and Anatomy at the University of Utah School of Medicine and is also a Howard Hughes…
PeopleSánchez Alvarado, AlejandroRegenerationBiographyThe establishment and growth of developmental-evolutionary biology owes a great debt to the work of John Tyler Bonner. Bonner's studies of cellular…
PeopleDictyosteliidaBiographyMorphogenesisMulticellularityLazzaro Spallanzani's imaginative application of experimental methods, mastery of microscopy, and wide interests led him to significant contributions…
PeopleRegenerationBiographyAbraham Trembley's discovery of the remarkable regenerative capacity of the hydra caused many to question their beliefs about the generation of…
PeopleRegenerationBiographyHydraAlthough best known for his work with the fruit fly, for which he earned a Nobel Prize and the title "The Father of Genetics," Thomas Hunt Morgan's…
PeopleMorgan, Thomas Hunt, 1866-1945Genetics, ExperimentalNobel Prize winnersDrosophila melanogaster