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Making Visible Embryos is a 2008 online exhibition of embryos authored and designed by Tatjana Buklijaz and Nick Hopwood who work in the Department…
OrganizationOrganizationsEducationOsborne O. Heard was a noted Carnegie embryological model maker for the Department of Embryology at The Carnegie Institute of Washington (CIW),…
PeopleCarnegie Institution of WashingtonBiographyModelsSand dollars are common marine invertebrates in the phylum Echinodermata and share the same class (Echinoidea) as sea urchins. They have served as…
Sand DollarsFertilizationInvertebratesThe scientific field of embryology experienced great growth in scope and direction in Germany from approximately 1850 to 1920. During this time,…
PeopleZiegler, Adolf, 1820-BiographyModelsHans Spemann was an experimental embryologist best known for his transplantation studies and as the originator of the "organizer" concept. One of his…
PeopleSpemann, Hans, 1869-1941TransplantationBiographyIn 1931 embryologist and historian Joseph Needham published a well-received three-volume treatise titled Chemical Embryology. The first four chapters…
LiteratureNeedham, Joseph, 1900-1995Publicationshistory