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In 2014, Big Belli, a media and social networking brand, released a documentary called 40 Weeks online. The documentary, directed by Christopher…
LiteraturePregnancyConceptionLabor (Obstetrics)Prenatal influencesIn 2008, Barranca Productions released a documentary called The Business of Being Born, detailing the topic of childbirth. Ricki Lake and Abby…
LiteratureChildbirthObstetricsParturitionDelivery (Obstetrics)In 2015, the British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC) partnered with The Open University to produce the three-part documentary series, Countdown to…
LiteratureConceptionGestationReproductionPhysiologyFrom February 2003 to December 2010, researchers of the Management of Myelomeningocele Study, or MOMS, clinical trial compared the safety and…
MeningomyeloceleSpina Bifida CysticaSpina BifidaNewborn infants--SurgeryHydrocephalus