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Evelyn Lorraine Rothman advocated for women’s reproductive rights and invented at-home kits for women’s health concerns in the late twentieth century…
Downer, CarolAbortionObstetricsBirth ControlMenstrual regulationAssisted reproductive technologies (ART) are a collection of different techniques designed to help those who are infertile achieve a successful…
TechnologyReproductive Techniques, AssistedReproductionFertilizationResearchers Geoffrey Sher and Jeffrey Fisch gave Viagra, also known as sildenafil, to women undergoing fertility treatment to test whether the…
Fertility clinicsFertility, HumanHuman embryo--TransplantationEmbryo TransferSildenafil CitrateIn 1947, Carl Richard Moore, a researcher at the University of Chicago, in Chicago, Illinois, wrote Embryonic Sex Differentiation and Sex Hormones,…
LiteratureEndocrinologyHormones, SexGonadal Steroid HormonesFreemartinismThe Chicago Women’s Liberation Union, hereafter Union or CWLU, was a feminist union that operated in Chicago, Illinois, from 1969 to 1977 and was the…
OrganizationWomen's rightsSexismFamily PlanningfeminismDavid Michael Rorvik is a science journalist who publicized advancements in the field of reproductive medicine during the late twentieth century.…
Sex PreselectionScience JournalismFamily PlanningParenthoodFertilizationThe Doula Project, cofounded in 2007 as The Abortion Doula Project by Mary Mahoney, Lauren Mitchell, and Miriam Zoila Perez, is a nonprofit…
OrganizationAbortionPro-choice movementNatural childbirthWomen's health servicesMargaret Goldwater advocated for birth control and reproductive rights in the United States during the twentieth century. Goldwater was a socialite…
Goldwater, Margaret, 1909-1985Sanger, Margaret, 1879-1966ContraceptionDiaphragms, VaginalAbortionTwentieth-century researcher Ernest John Christopher Polge studied the reproductive processes of livestock and determined a method to successfully…
Smith, Audrey U.Parkes, A. S. (Alan Sterling), 1900-1990National Institute for Medical Research (Great Britain)Medical Research Council (Great Britain)GlycerinIn 1999, researcher Radim Srám, sometimes spelled Radim Šrám, published his article “Impact of Air Pollution on Reproductive Health” in the journal…
LiteratureEffect of air pollution onPollutantsPollutionAir--Pollution