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Thalidomide, a drug capable of causing fetal abnormalities (teratogen), has caused greater than ten thousand birth defects worldwide since its…
ContextThalidomideThalidomide--Side effectsTeratogenicity testingMultiple MyelomaHoratio Robinson Storer was a surgeon and anti-abortion activist in the 1800s who worked in the field of women’s reproductive health and led the…
PeopleAbortionAbortion servicesPro-life movementPro-life movement--United StatesIn the 2013 legal case Association for Molecular Pathology v. Myriad Genetics, Inc., hereafter AMP v. Myriad, the United States Supreme Court held in…
PatentNucleotide sequenceBreast CancerBRCA1 geneBRCA2 geneMenopause is defined as the point in time exactly twelve months after a female has had her last menstrual period, or shedding of the lining of the…
MenopausePremenopausepostmenopauseEstrogen Replacement TherapyHormone Replacement Therapy, Post-MenopausalIn the United States, most people are assigned both a biological sex and gender at birth based on their chromosomes and reproductive organs.…
GenderGender-nonconforming peopleGender transitionGender expressionGender Nonconformity