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Transposition of the great arteries or TGA is a potentially fatal congenital heart malformation where the pulmonary artery and the aorta are switched…
Transposition of Great VesselsMustard, William T., 1914-1987Congenital Heart DiseaseSenning OperationWilliam Thornton Mustard was a surgeon in Canada during the twentieth century who developed surgical techniques to treat children who had congenital…
PoliomyelitisTransposition of Great VesselsHemolytic AnemiaBlood GroupsBlood CellsThe International Eugenics Congresses consisted of three scientific meetings held in London, England, in 1912 and at the American Museum of Natural…
OrganizationEugenics--United States--HistoryEugenicsNazisNegative EugenicsAll cells that have a nucleus, including plant, animal, fungal cells, and most single-celled protists, also have mitochondria. Mitochondria are…
CellsCell organellesMitochondriaPlant mitochondriaEndosymbiosisPurkinje cells, also called Purkinje neurons, are neurons in vertebrate animals located in the cerebellar cortex of the brain. Purkinje cell bodies…
Purkinje CellsCerebellar CortexcerebellumBrain StemIn 1938, physician Henry Hubert Turner published “A Syndrome of Infantilism, Congenital Webbed Neck, and Cubitus Valgus,” hereafter “A Syndrome of…
Turner SyndromeNoonan SyndromeFemale Pseudo-Turner SyndromeInfantilism, GenitalGonadotropin-Releasing Hormone