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Charles Benedict Davenport, Madison Grant, and Henry Fairfield Osborn founded the Galton Society for the Study of the Origin and Evolution of Man, or…
OrganizationEugenicsDavenport, Charles Benedict, 1866-1944Laughlin, Harry Hamilton, 1880-1943segregationRoy Chapman Andrews traveled the world studying fossils, from mammals to dinosaurs, during the first half of the twentieth century. Andrews worked…
WhalesWhales, FossilDinosaursNatural history museumsDinosaurs--EggsIn 1916, eugenicist Madison Grant published the book The Passing of the Great Race; or The Racial Basis of European History, hereafter The Passing of…
LiteratureEugenicsNuremberg War Crime Trials, Nuremberg, Germany, 1946-1949Involuntary sterilization--Law and legislationInterracial marriage--United States