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In “Explaining Recent Declines in Adolescent Pregnancy in the United States: The Contribution of Abstinence and Improved Contraceptive Use,”…
LiteraturePregnancy, AdolescentBirth ControlFirst pregnancyReproductive HealthBirth Control or the Limitation of Offspring was written by American eugenics and birth control advocate William J. Robinson. First published in 1916…
LiteratureContraceptionPublicationsReproductionIn 1930, bishops of the Anglican Church from various countries published resolutions from their seventh Lambeth Conference in England. The Lambeth…
LiteratureContraception--Religious aspectsContraception--Religious aspects--Protestant churchesContraception--Religious aspects--Anglican CommunionSubject headings--ContraceptionIn 1963, Roman Catholic fertility doctor John Rock published The Time Has Come: A Catholic Doctor's Proposals to End the Battle over Birth Control, a…
LiteratureContraceptionPublicationsreligionReproductionIn 2013, Lois Uttley, Sheila Reynertson, Larraine Kenny, and Louise Melling published “Miscarriage of Medicine: The Growth of Catholic Hospitals and…
LiteratureAbortionBirth ControlCatholicReproductionIn 1950, physician and researcher Ernst Gräfenberg published “The Role of Urethra in Female Orgasm,” in the International Journal of Sexology. The…
LiteratureFemale orgasmG spotFrigidity (Psychology)UrethraOn 23 April 2008, the US Government Accountability Office, or GAO, released a report titled, “Abstinence Education: Assessing the Accuracy and…
LiteratureSex instructionSex EducationSexual abstinence--Religious aspects--Catholic ChurchSexual abstinence--Religious aspectsIn 2005, the organization Asian Communities for Reproductive Justice, or ACRJ, published “A New Vision for Advancing Our Movement for Reproductive…
LiteratureReproductive RightsReproductive Health ServicesReproductive HealthCommunication in reproductive healthWritten by Orli Lotan on behalf of the Knesset (Israeli Parliament) Center for Research and Information, "Limitations in Abortion Legislation: A…
LiteraturePublicationsReproductionAbortionbioethicsIn 1904, physician William Henry Walling published Sexology, a family medicine reference book. In his book, Walling proposed that his guidance would…
LiteratureMasturbationCoitus interruptusSexSexology