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Pope Pius XII was born Eugenio Maria Giuseppi Giovanni Pacelli on 2 March 1876 in Rome, Italy, to Virginia and Filippo Pacelli. Known for his oft-…
PeoplereligionReproductionCatholicismPopesThe encyclical entitled "Evangelium Vitae," meaning "The Gospel of Life," was promulgated on 25 March 1995 by Pope John Paul II in Rome, Italy. The…
LiteratureJohn Paul II, Pope, 1920-2005religionReproductionCatholicismThe "Humanae Vitae," meaning "Of Human Life" and subtitled "On the Regulation of Birth," was an encyclical promulgated in Rome, Italy, on 25 July…
LiteratureReproductive RightsreligionReproductionCatholicism