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Developing a codebook of definitions and exemplars of significant text segments and applying it to the collected data revealed several themes. For…
MenstruationMenstrual Hygiene ProductsReproductive HealthHealth educationMenstruation DisturbancesIn 2010, Sophia and Paul Grinvalds founded the organization AFRIpads in Kampala, Uganda, to provide reusable cloth pads to menstruating women and…
OrganizationMenstrual CycleFeminine Hygiene ProductsMenstrual Hygiene ProductsSanitary napkinsIn “Beyond Menstrual Hygiene: Addressing Vaginal Bleeding Throughout the Life Course in LMICs,” hereafter “Beyond Menstrual Hygiene,” Marni Sommer,…
LiteratureMenstruation disordersFeminine Hygiene ProductsMenstrual cycle--Psychological aspectsStigmatization