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The North Carolina state legislature passed The Woman’s Right to Know Act in 2011, which places several restrictions on abortion care in the state.…
LawInformed consent (Medical law)Informed consent (Medical law)--United StatesPro-life movementAbortion--Law and legislation--United StatesIn Davis v. Davis (1992), the Supreme Court of Tennessee decided a dispute over cryopreserved preembryos in favor of Junior Lewis Davis, who sought…
LawFrozen human embryosFertilization in VitroAmerican Fertility SocietyConceptionIn January 2014, Mary Gatter and colleagues published “Relationship between Ultrasound Viewing and Proceeding to Abortion” in Obstetrics and…
LiteratureAbortionInformed consent (Medical law)Abortion, LegalAbortion--Law and legislation--United StatesIn the case York v. Jones (1989), the United States District Court for the Eastern District of Virginia was one of the first US courts to address a…
LawFrozen human embryosFertilization in VitroConceptionAbortionIn Maureen Kass v. Steven Kass (1998), the Court of Appeals of New York in Albany, New York, ruled that the state should generally consider IVF…
LawFrozen human embryosFertilization in VitroInformed consent (Medical law)Surrogate mothersHwang Woo-suk, a geneticist in South Korea, claimed in Science magazine in 2004 and 2005 that he and a team of researchers had for the first time…
ContextbioethicsHuman cloning--Research--Law and legislationInformed consent (Medical law)Oocyte Donation