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Friedrich Tiedemann studied the anatomy of humans and animals in the nineteenth century in Germany. He published on zoological subjects, on the heart…
BrainAnatomy, ComparativeEmbryologyFetal braindevelopmentStephen Jay Gould studied snail fossils and worked at Harvard University in Cambridge, Massachusetts during the latter half of the twentieth century…
Punctuated equilibrium (Evolution)Spandrel beamsOntogenyPhylogenyFossilsFrederik Ruysch's cabinet of curiosities, commonly referred to simply as the Cabinet, was a museum Ruysch created in the Netherlands in the late…
OrganizationHuman AnatomyAnatomical museumsHuman anatomy--HistoryTissues--PreservationThe endothelium is the layer of cells lining the blood vessels in animals. It weighs more than one kilogram in adult humans, and it covers a surface…
EndotheliumTissuesEpitheliumCellsVascular endotheliumElizabeth Dexter Hay studied the cellular processes that affect development of embryos in the US during the mid-twentieth and early twenty-first…
Electron microscopesExtracellular matrixCorneaCollagenRadioactive substancesEdmund Beecher Wilson contributed to cell biology, the study of cells, in the US during the end of the nineteenth and the beginning of the twentieth…
EmbryologyCellsCytologyHeredityEvolutionBody Worlds is an exhibition featuring plastinates, human bodies that have been preserved using a plastination process. First displayed in 1995 in…
OrganizationPlastinationHuman bodyAnatomical museumsHuman AnatomyHilde Proscholdt Mangold was a doctoral student at the Zoological Institute at the University of Freiburg in Freiburg, Germany, from 1920-1923.…
LiteratureEmbryosTrembley, Abraham, 1710-1784GastrulationEmbryologyOn 29 September 1973, researchers David De Kretzer, Peter Dennis, Bryan Hudson, John Leeton, Alexander Lopata, Ken Outch, James Talbot, and Carl Wood…
LiteratureEmbryologyEmbryogenesisZygotesEmbryo Transfer