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William Smellie helped to incorporate scientific medicine into the process of childbirth in eighteenth century Britain. As a male physician…
MidwivesObstetrical ForcepsChildbirthObstetricsLabor (Obstetrics)Hamlin Fistula Ethiopia is a nonprofit organization that began in 1974 as a joint endeavor by Reginald and Catherine Hamlin and the Addis Ababa…
OrganizationHamlin, CatherineAddis Ababa Fistula HospitalVesicovaginal FistulaFistulaIn 1976, midwife Ina May Gaskin published Spiritual Midwifery, with other editions published in 1980, 1990, and 2003. Spiritual Midwifery is a book…
LiteratureMidwifery in literatureMidwiferyMidwivesMidwifeIn 2018, researchers Elie Nkwabong, Romuald Meboulou Nguel, Nelly Kamgaing, and Anne Sylvie Keddi Jippe published, “Knowledge, Attitudes, and…
LiteratureHIV-positive womenHIV-positive childrenHIV (Viruses)HIV infections