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Fetal surgeries are a range of medical interventions performed in utero on the developing fetus of a pregnant woman to treat a number of congenital…
Fetus--SurgeryFetoscopyUltrasonics in obstetricsPregnancyEndoscopyIn its 1993 decision Daubert v. Merrell Dow Pharmaceuticals, Inc., the US Supreme Court established the Daubert Standard for evaluating the…
LawBendectin (Trademark)Morning SicknessSedativesAbnormalities, HumanSurgeons sometimes operate on the developing fetuses in utero of pregnant women as a medical intervention to treat a number of congential…
ethicsFetus--SurgeryFetoscopyUltrasonics in obstetricsEndoscopyAnencephaly is an open neural tube defect, meaning that part of the neural tube does not properly close or that it has reopened during early…
fetal developmentFetus--AbnormalitiesBirth DefectsEmbryologyPregnancyDandy-Walker Syndrome is a congenital brain defect in humans characterized by malformations to the cerebellum, the part of the brain that controls…
Dandy, Walter Edward, 1886-1946Walker, A. Earl (Arthur Earl), 1907-1995HydrocephalusBirth DefectsDandy-Walker SyndromeMichael R. Harrison worked as a pediatric surgeon in the US throughout the late-twentieth century and performed many fetal surgeries, including one…
Birth DefectsAbnormalities, HumanPediatric surgeonsMyelomeningoceleSpinal DysraphismIn 2015, the Public Broadcasting Service, or PBS, released a three-part documentary series, Twice Born–Stories from the Special Delivery Unit,…
LiteratureFetus--SurgerySpina BifidaTeratomaObstetrics--SurgeryDevelopmental Effects of Endocrine-Disrupting Chemicals in Wildlife and Humans, was published in 1993 in Environmental Health Perspectives. In the…
LiteratureEndocrine disrupting chemicalsEmbryologyfetal developmentendocrine disruptors