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Virginia Apgar worked as an obstetrical anesthesiologist, administering drugs that reduce women’s pain during childbirth, in the US in the mid-…
Apgar, Virginia, 1909-1974Apgar ScorePregnancyObstetricsChildbirthIsotretinoin is a molecule and a byproduct (metabolite) of vitamin A, and in greater than normal amounts in pregnant women, it can cause fetal…
Teratogenic agentsVitamin AIsotretinoinAbnormalities, HumanTeratogensJames Graves Wilson's six principles of teratology, published in 1959, guide research on teratogenic agents and their effects on developing organisms…
TeratologyAbnormalities, HumanCongenital AbnormalitiesBirth DefectsCongenital DefectsCocaine use by pregnant women has a variety of effects on the embryo and fetus, ranging from various gastro-intestinal and cardiac defects to tissue…
CocaineCocaine abusePregnancyEmbryosFetusAnencephaly is an open neural tube defect, meaning that part of the neural tube does not properly close or that it has reopened during early…
fetal developmentFetus--AbnormalitiesBirth DefectsEmbryologyPregnancyFetal surgeries are a range of medical interventions performed in utero on the developing fetus of a pregnant woman to treat a number of congenital…
Fetus--SurgeryFetoscopyUltrasonics in obstetricsPregnancyEndoscopy