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Frederik Ruysch made anatomical drawings and collected and preserved human specimens, many of which were infants and fetuses, in the Netherlands…
PeopleRuysch, Frederik, 1638-1731ObstetriciansMedical JurisprudenceEmbalmingFrederik Ruysch made anatomical drawings and collected and preserved human specimens, many of which were infants and fetuses, in the Netherlands…
PeopleRuysch, Frederik, 1638-1731ObstetriciansMedical JurisprudenceEmbalmingEduard Friedrich Wilhelm Pflüger was a physiologist known for his research on respiration, the respiratory quotient, experimenting on the effects of…
PeopleRespiratory quotientRespirationEmbryologyEmbryosLeo Loeb developed an experimental approach to studying cancer and pioneered techniques for tissue culture and in vitro tissue transplantation which…
PeopleMarine Biological Laboratory (Woods Hole, Mass.)Embryology, ExperimentalTissue cultureEmbryosSir Graham Collingwood Liggins devoted much of his professional life to obstetric research. Liggins demonstrated that hormones created by the fetus…