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An important question throughout the history of embryology is whether the formation of a biological structure is predetermined or shaped by its…
Hamburger, Viktor, 1900-2001ExperimentsNervous SystemCell Death"In vitro Experiments on the Effects of Mouse Sarcomas 180 and 37 on the Spinal and Sympathetic Ganglia of the Chick Embryo" were experiments…
Levi-Montalcini, RitaChickens--EmbryosHamburger, Viktor, 1900-2001Developmental BiologyEmbryologyIn this paper Viktor Hamburger and Rita Levi-Montalcini collaborated to examine the effects of limb transplantation and explantation on neural…
Chickens--EmbryosDevelopmental BiologyCell differentiationEmbryosLevi-Montalcini, Rita