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In 1974, Elizabeth Dexter Hay and Stephen Meier in the US conducted an experiment that demonstrated that the extracellular matrix, the mesh-like…
Extracellular matrixCollagenCorneaEpitheliumEmbryosIn the early 1960s, John W. Saunders Jr., Mary T. Gasseling, and Lilyan C. Saunders in the US investigated how cells die in the developing limbs of…
Cell DeathChickens--EmbryosApoptosisExperimentsConrad Hal Waddington's "Experiments on Embryonic Induction III," published in 1934 in the Journal of Experimental Biology, describes the discovery…
Waddington, C. H. (Conrad Hal), 1905-1975EmbryosCell differentiationEmbryologyChickens--EmbryosIn this paper Viktor Hamburger and Rita Levi-Montalcini collaborated to examine the effects of limb transplantation and explantation on neural…
Chickens--EmbryosDevelopmental BiologyCell differentiationEmbryosLevi-Montalcini, Rita"In vitro Experiments on the Effects of Mouse Sarcomas 180 and 37 on the Spinal and Sympathetic Ganglia of the Chick Embryo" were experiments…
Levi-Montalcini, RitaChickens--EmbryosHamburger, Viktor, 1900-2001Developmental BiologyEmbryology