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In 1975, the United States Congress passed the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act, referred to as the IDEA, which codified the right of all…
LawDisability EvaluationDisability awarenessIntellectual DisabilityPeople with mental disabilitiesHenry Herbert Goddard was a psychologist who conducted research on intelligence and mental deficiency at the Vineland Training School for Feeble-…
Intellectual DisabilityMental DeficiencyEugenicsEugenics--United States--HistoryHeredityIn Mills v. Board of Education of District of Columbia (1972), the United States District Court for the District of Columbia held that students with…
LawSpecial EducationPeople with mental disabilitiesPeople with mental disabilities--Services forIntellectual DisabilityIn 1912, Henry Herbert Goddard published The Kallikak Family: A Study in the Heredity of Feeble-Mindedness, hereafter The Kallikak Family, in which…
LiteratureIntellectual DisabilityMental DeficiencyEugenicsEugenics--United States--HistoryIn 1972, the United States District Court for the Eastern District of Pennsylvania decided the case of Pennsylvania Association for Retarded Citizens…
LawPeople with mental disabilitiesIntellectual DisabilitySpecial EducationSpecial education schools