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The Assisted Human Reproduction Act (AHR Act) is a piece of federal legislation passed by the Parliament of Canada. The Act came into force on 29…
LawReproductive technologyFertilization in vitro, Human--Law and legislationMedicine--Research--Law and legislationBiomedical EthicsThe South Korean government passed the Bioethics and Biosafety Act, known henceforth as the Bioethics Act, in 2003 and it took effect in 2005. South…
LawbioethicsInformed consent (Medical law)Embryonic Stem CellsEmbryonic stem cells--Research--Law and legislationThe Human Fertilisation and Embryology Act 1990 established the legal framework that governs infertility treatment, medical services ancillary to…
LawEmbryo transplantationReproductive technologyWarnock, Mary, 1808-1900Human reproductive technologyOn 20 August 2007, in Frazer v. Schlegel, the United States Court of Appeals for the Federal Circuit decided that researchers Ian Frazer and Jian…
LawFrazer, I. H. (Ian H.)Zhou, JianGlaxoSmithKlineZur Hausen, HaraldIn its 1993 decision Daubert v. Merrell Dow Pharmaceuticals, Inc., the US Supreme Court established the Daubert Standard for evaluating the…
LawBendectin (Trademark)Morning SicknessSedativesAbnormalities, HumanIn 1994, the Eastern Virginia District court case Bailey v. Blue Cross Blue Shield of Virginia established that insurance companies could not deny…
LawHealth InsuranceHealth insurance policiesHealth insurance claimsEmployer-sponsored health insuranceIn 1994, the Eastern Virginia District court case Bailey v. Blue Cross Blue Shield of Virginia established that insurance companies could not deny…
LawHealth InsuranceHealth insurance policiesHealth insurance claimsEmployer-sponsored health insuranceAttempts by the New York legislature to make abortion a crime regardless of the stage of gestation were permanently frustrated because the court…
LawAbortionReproductionIn the United States, the Code of Federal Regulations Title 45: Public Welfare, part 46 (45 CFR 46) provides protection for human subjects in…
LawGovernmentFetusThe California Stem Cell Research and Cures Act, also called Proposition 71, was a ballot initiative proposed by California voters in 2004 to…
LawStem cells--Research--Religious aspects--ChristianityStem cells--Research--Moral and ethical aspectsEmbryonic stem cells--Research--Law and legislationEmbryo Research