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In 1994, the Eastern Virginia District court case Bailey v. Blue Cross Blue Shield of Virginia established that insurance companies could not deny…
LawHealth InsuranceHealth insurance policiesHealth insurance claimsEmployer-sponsored health insuranceIn 1993, the NIH published the Revitalization Act that established guidelines for minorities’ and women’s participation in clinical research. Before…
LawLegislation, DrugClinical medicine--ResearchMedical research personnelNational Institutes of HealthOn 20 January 2001, Republican George W. Bush was sworn in as the forty-third president of the United States, replacing Democrat William J. Clinton.…
LawBush, George W. (George Walker), 1946-Stem CellsFetusIn the United States, the Code of Federal Regulations Title 45: Public Welfare, part 46 (45 CFR 46) provides protection for human subjects in…
LawGovernmentFetusIn Arizona, statutes that protect persons, such as the wrongful death statute, will not be interpreted by the courts to grant personhood status to…
LawFertilization in VitroReproductionFertilizationbioethicsIn June 2017, the Iowa Supreme Court decided the case Plowman v. Fort Madison Community Hospital, or Plowman v. FMCH, and ruled that women who gave…
LawWrongful lifeWrongful BirthAbnormalities, HumanIowaDisabled people have historically lacked legal protection and often faced discrimination in healthcare, reproductive rights, education, and more…
Disability studiesLawSpecial EducationAmericans with Disabilities ActDisability LawIn the case Randy M. Roman v. Augusta N. Roman (2006), the Court of Appeals of Texas followed courts in other states and upheld the validity and…
LawFrozen human embryosFertilization in VitroEmbryo DispositionEmbryoIn the 2012 case Texas Medical Providers Performing Abortion Services v. David Lakey, a US appeals court ruled as constitutional a Texas law that…
LawAbortionAbortion servicesAbortion--Law and legislation--United StatesAbortion--Law and legislationIn the 1973 court case Doe v. Bolton, the US Supreme Court in Washington, D.C., ruled that a Georgia law regulating abortion was unconstitutional.…
LawBirth control clinicsAbortionFamily planning servicesAbortion--Law and legislation--United States