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Henry Herbert Goddard was a psychologist who conducted research on intelligence and mental deficiency at the Vineland Training School for Feeble-…
Intellectual DisabilityMental DeficiencyEugenicsEugenics--United States--HistoryHeredityIn 1912, Henry Herbert Goddard published The Kallikak Family: A Study in the Heredity of Feeble-Mindedness, hereafter The Kallikak Family, in which…
LiteratureIntellectual DisabilityMental DeficiencyEugenicsEugenics--United States--HistoryDuring the mid-nineteenth century, Johann Gregor Mendel experimented with pea plants to develop a theory of inheritance. In 1843, while a monk in the…
GeneticsPeasLegumesPhenotypePlant breedingMuriel Wheldale Onslow studied flowers in England with genetic and biochemical techniques in the early twentieth century. Working with geneticist…
PeopleHeredityBiochemistryEpistasis (Genetics)Genetics