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Purkinje cells, also called Purkinje neurons, are neurons in vertebrate animals located in the cerebellar cortex of the brain. Purkinje cell bodies…
Purkinje CellsCerebellar CortexcerebellumBrain StemWalter Edward Dandy studied abnormalities in the developing human brain in the United States in the twentieth century. He collaborated with…
HydrocephalusBrain--Ventricles--RadiographyVentriculography, CerebralDandy-Walker SyndromeDandy-Walker MalformationDandy-Walker Syndrome is a congenital brain defect in humans characterized by malformations to the cerebellum, the part of the brain that controls…
Dandy, Walter Edward, 1886-1946Walker, A. Earl (Arthur Earl), 1907-1995HydrocephalusBirth DefectsDandy-Walker Syndrome