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The 1986 US Supreme Court decision Bowen v. American Hospital Association rejected the federal government's use of Section 504 of the Rehabilitation…
LawReproductionCongenital DisordersGovernmentThe New York Court of Appeals' 1983 case Weber v. Stony Brook set an important precedent upholding the right of parents to make medical decisions for…
LawCongenital, Hereditary, and Neonatal Diseases and AbnormalitiesReproductionCongenital DisordersGovernmentIn September 1979, China's Fifth National People's Congress passed a policy that encouraged one-child families. Following this decision from the…
ContextethicsReproductionFertilityGovernmentWritten by Orli Lotan on behalf of the Knesset (Israeli Parliament) Center for Research and Information, "Limitations in Abortion Legislation: A…
LiteraturePublicationsReproductionAbortionbioethicsEstablished under the Assisted Human Reproduction (AHR) Act of 2004, Assisted Human Reproduction Canada (AHRC), also known as the Assisted Human…
OrganizationReproductive Techniques, AssistedOrganizationsReproductionReproductive Rights