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In 2003, the Texas state legislature passed the Woman’s Right to Know Act, hereafter the Act, as Chapter 171 of the state’s Health and Safety Code.…
LawAbortionAbortion servicesAmerican Civil Liberties UnionFreedom of SpeechIn Davis v. Davis (1992), the Supreme Court of Tennessee decided a dispute over cryopreserved preembryos in favor of Junior Lewis Davis, who sought…
LawFrozen human embryosFertilization in VitroAmerican Fertility SocietyConceptionIn the case York v. Jones (1989), the United States District Court for the Eastern District of Virginia was one of the first US courts to address a…
LawFrozen human embryosFertilization in VitroConceptionAbortionThe Uniform Anatomical Gift Act (UAGA or the Act) was passed in the US in 1968 and has since been revised in 1987 and in 2006. The Act sets a…
LawUniform state lawsAbortionbioethicsFetus