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Our Bodies, Ourselves, a succession to a pamphlet of resources pulled from co-ops of women in and around Boston, Massachusetts was published in New…
LiteratureReproductionPregnancyEmbryosWomen's health services--United StatesThe Silent Scream is an anti-abortion film released in 1984 by American Portrait Films, then based in Brunswick, Ohio. The film was created and…
LiteratureAbortionAbortion in literatureFetusEmbryosNational Geographic's documentary In the Womb: Identical Twins focuses on the prenatal development of human identical twins. Director Lorne Townend…
LiteratureTwinsDocumentary filmsTestosteroneMethylationWritten, produced, and directed by Toby Mcdonald, the 2005 National Geographic Channel film In the Womb uses the most recent technology to provide an…
LiteratureHuman DevelopmentReproductionMoviesFetusWritten by Orli Lotan on behalf of the Knesset (Israeli Parliament) Center for Research and Information, "Limitations in Abortion Legislation: A…
LiteraturePublicationsReproductionAbortionbioethicsThe Public Broadcasting Station (PBS) documentary Life's Greatest Miracle (abbreviated Miracle, available at…
LiteratureHuman DevelopmentReproductionMoviesThe most-watched NOVA documentary ever made and a revolution in the understanding of human development, The Miracle of Life (abbreviated Life)…
LiteratureReproductionHuman DevelopmentAristotle's On the Generation of Animals is referred to in Latin as De Generatione animalium. As with many of Aristotle's writings, the exact date of…
LiteratureReproductionPublicationsphilosophyBirth Control or the Limitation of Offspring was written by American eugenics and birth control advocate William J. Robinson. First published in 1916…
LiteratureContraceptionPublicationsReproductionIn Birth without Violence (1975), French obstetrician Frederick Leboyer describes in poetic form the possible perceptions and feelings of embryos and…
LiteratureHuman DevelopmentPublicationsReproductionFetus