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In 1996, Michael R. Harrison published “Fetal Surgery” in the American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology. In the article, Harrison describes the…
LiteratureFetus--SurgeryObstetrics--SurgeryFetus--Abnormalities--TreatmentFetal heart--Abnormalities--DiagnosisIn April 1994, Elizabeth Raymond, Sven Cnattingius, and John Kiely published “Effects of Maternal Age, Parity, and Smoking on the Risk of Stillbirth…
LiteratureFetal deathStillbirthPregnancyGestational AgeIn December 2011, the Stillbirth Collaborative Research Network, or SCRN, published the article “Causes of Death Among Stillbirths” in The Journal of…
LiteratureFetal deathPregnancy--ComplicationsHealth and raceStillbirthIn 2015, the British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC) partnered with The Open University to produce the three-part documentary series, Countdown to…
LiteratureConceptionGestationReproductionPhysiologyThe Silent Scream is an anti-abortion film released in 1984 by American Portrait Films, then based in Brunswick, Ohio. The film was created and…
LiteratureAbortionAbortion in literatureFetusEmbryosNational Geographic's documentary In the Womb: Identical Twins focuses on the prenatal development of human identical twins. Director Lorne Townend…
LiteratureTwinsDocumentary filmsTestosteroneMethylationWritten, produced, and directed by Toby Mcdonald, the 2005 National Geographic Channel film In the Womb uses the most recent technology to provide an…
LiteratureHuman DevelopmentReproductionMoviesFetusIn Birth without Violence (1975), French obstetrician Frederick Leboyer describes in poetic form the possible perceptions and feelings of embryos and…
LiteratureHuman DevelopmentPublicationsReproductionFetusLife Magazine's 1965 cover story "Drama of Life Before Birth" featured photographs of embryos and fetuses taken by Swedish photojournalist Lennart…
LiteratureFetusPublicationsReproductionHuman Development"Effraenatam," the brain-child of Pope Sixtus V, was released as a papal bull in the year 1588. Papal bulls are formal declarations issued by the…
LiteratureSixtus V, Pope, 1520-1590religionReproductionCatholicism