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In “Explaining Recent Declines in Adolescent Pregnancy in the United States: The Contribution of Abstinence and Improved Contraceptive Use,”…
LiteraturePregnancy, AdolescentBirth ControlFirst pregnancyReproductive HealthOn 23 April 2008, the US Government Accountability Office, or GAO, released a report titled, “Abstinence Education: Assessing the Accuracy and…
LiteratureSex instructionSex EducationSexual abstinence--Religious aspects--Catholic ChurchSexual abstinence--Religious aspectsMenstrupedia published the comic book Menstrupedia Comic: The Friendly Guide to Periods for Girls, hereafter Menstrupedia Comic, in July 2014 in…
LiteratureMenstrual CycleMenstrual cycle in artMenstrual cycle--Psychological aspectsComic books and children