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In 1999, Joseph Bruner, Susan B. Drummond, Anna L. Meenan, and Ina May Gaskin published, “All-fours Maneuver for Reducing Shoulder Dystocia During…
LiteratureShoulder DystociaMidwiferyBirth InjuriesBirth injuries--ComplicationsIn 2014, Big Belli, a media and social networking brand, released a documentary called 40 Weeks online. The documentary, directed by Christopher…
LiteraturePregnancyConceptionLabor (Obstetrics)Prenatal influencesButt Out for Baby was a smoking cessation intervention guide, aimed at community health workers, that the Child and Youth Health group published in…
LiteratureSmoking CessationCigarette SmokingNicotine AddictionPregnant women--Tobacco use