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In 2018, He Jiankui uploaded a series of videos to a YouTube channel titled “The He Lab” that detailed one of the first instances of a successful…
Literaturegene editingGenome EditingCRISPR (Genetics)CRISPR-associated protein 9In 2015, Revive & Restore launched the Woolly Mammoth Revival Project with a goal of engineering a creature with genes from the woolly mammoth…
conservationAnimal diversity conservationWildlife conservationgene editingbioethicsThe Case against Perfection: Ethics in the Age of Genetic Engineering, hereafter referred to as The Case against Perfection, written by Michael J.…
LiteratureGenetic EngineeringPublicationsethicsbioethicsA designer baby is a baby genetically engineered in vitro for specially selected traits, which can vary from lowered disease-risk to gender selection…
ethicsReproductionReproductive RightsGenetic EngineeringEugenics