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In the 1973 case State v. New Times, INC, the Arizona Court of Appeals in Phoenix, Arizona, ruled that Arizona Revised Statutes 13-211, 13-212, and…
LawContraceptionBirth control clinicsPlanned Parenthood Federation of AmericaAbortionOn 30 June 1980, in a five to four decision, the US Supreme Court ruled in the Case Harris v. McRae that the Hyde Amendment of 1976 did not violate…
LawContraceptionUnited States. Congress. House. Committee on Appropriations. Subcommittee on Departments of Labor and Health, Education, and Welfare, and Related Agencies AppropriationsMedicaidAbortion--Law and legislation--United StatesAbortion is a controversial topic internationally. Most current debates about abortion concern when, if at all, it should be legal. However,…
Social ResearchLawComputer ScienceAbortionAbortion lawHarry Clay Sharp was a surgeon who performed one of the first recorded vasectomies with the purpose of sterilizing a patient. Sterilization is the…
VasectomyEugenicsSterilizationFamily PlanningMale SterilizationBirth Control or the Limitation of Offspring was written by American eugenics and birth control advocate William J. Robinson. First published in 1916…
LiteratureContraceptionPublicationsReproductionWhere Are My Children? is an anti-abortion silent film released in the United States on 16 April 1916. The film was directed by Lois Weber and…
LiteratureAbortionBirth ControlContraceptionReproductive RightsBetty Friedan advocated for the advancement of women's rights in the twentieth century in the United States. In 1963, Friedan wrote The Feminine…
feminismWomen's rightsAbortionPro-choice movementContraceptionThe Clinica Para Madres (Mother’s Clinic) opened in Tucson, Arizona, in December of 1934 as the first birth control clinic in Arizona. After moving…
OrganizationSanger, Margaret, 1879-1966ArizonaPlanned Parenthood Federation of AmericaContraceptionJane Elizabeth Hodgson was a physician who advocated for abortion rights in the twentieth century in the United States. In November of 1970, Hodgson…
AbortionInduced AbortionBirth ControlReproductive RightsContraceptionIn the 1983 case City of Akron v. Akron Center for Reproductive Health the US Supreme Court ruled that certain requirements of the city of Akron’s “…
LawAbortion--Law and legislation--United StatesAbortionBirth control clinicsContraception