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In her 2001 paper “Predictors of Postpartum Depression: An Update,” researcher Cheryl Tatano Beck presents the most common risk factors associated…
LiteraturePostpartum DepressionPregnancyPostnatal DepressionDepression, MentalIn 1980 the US National Institutes of Health (NIH) and the US National Institute of Child Health and Human Development (NICHD) released a report…
LiteratureCesarean SectionCesarean section--ComplicationsObstetricsFetusVirginia Apgar and colleagues wrote “Evaluation of the Newborn Infant—Second Report” in 1958. This article explained that Apgar’s system for…
LiteratureApgar ScoreObstetricsChildbirthAnesthesiologyPrenatal Care is an educational booklet written by Mary Mills West of the US Children’s Bureau and published by the US Government Printing Office in…
LiteraturePrenatal CareUnited States. Children's BureauPrenatal care--Law and legislationPrenatal care--UtilizationLeon Chesley published Hypertensive Disorders in Pregnancy in 1978 to outline major and common complications that occur during pregnancy and manifest…
LiteratureChesley, Leon C., 1908-2000HypertensionPreeclampsiaDownstate Medical Center (N.Y.)In the 1964 article, “Pelvic Scoring for Elective Induction,” obstetrician Edward Bishop describes his method to determine whether a doctor should…
LiteratureBishop, Edward H.ChildbirthLabor, Induced (Obstetrics)ObstetricsIn 1948, Olive Watkins Smith published 'Diethylstilbestrol in the Prevention and Treatment of Complications of Pregnancy' in the American Journal…
LiteraturePregnancyEndocrine disrupting chemicalsHormonesObstetricsIn 1955, obstetrician Edward Bishop, a physician specializing in childbirth, published the article “Elective Induction of Labor,” in which he…
LiteratureReproductionChildbirthLabor, Induced (Obstetrics)ObstetricsDevelopmental Effects of Endocrine-Disrupting Chemicals in Wildlife and Humans, was published in 1993 in Environmental Health Perspectives. In the…
LiteratureEndocrine disrupting chemicalsEmbryologyfetal developmentendocrine disruptorsIn Australia in the 1940s, Norman McAlister Gregg observed a connection between pregnant women who contracted the rubella virus, or German measles,…
LiteratureCataract in childrenRubellaRubella in pregnancyRubella virus