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In 2015, the British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC) partnered with The Open University to produce the three-part documentary series, Countdown to…
LiteratureConceptionGestationReproductionPhysiologyDevelopmental Effects of Endocrine-Disrupting Chemicals in Wildlife and Humans, was published in 1993 in Environmental Health Perspectives. In the…
LiteratureEndocrine disrupting chemicalsEmbryologyfetal developmentendocrine disruptorsIn his 1991 article Screening for Congenital Hypothyroidism, Delbert A. Fisher in the US reported on the implementation and impact of mass neonatal…
LiteratureCongenital HypothyroidismNewborn infants--DevelopmentCretinismInfant Health ServicesPossums is a 174-page book consisting of a series of essays written about the Virginia opossum (Didelphis virginiana), the only living marsupial in…
LiteratureVirginia opossumEmbryologyMarsupialsNatural historyDell Publishing in New York City, New York, published Lennart Nilsson's A Child Is Born in 1966. The book was a translation of the Swedish version…
LiteraturedevelopmentPregnancyfetal developmentFetal Growth