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In 2004, a team of researchers at Tufts-New England Medical Center in Boston, Massachusetts, investigated the fetal cells that remained in the…
CellsStem CellsMaternal-Fetal ExchangeFetal cells from maternal bloodFetusFrom 1993 to 1995 researchers led by Robert J. Berry from the US Centers for Disease Control headquartered in Atlanta, Georgia, and Zhu Li from…
Center for Disease ControlFolic AcidFolic Acid DeficiencyFolic acid in human nutritionNeural tube--AbnormalitiesIn 1998 and 1999, Teraporn Vutyavanich, Theerajana Kraisarin, and Rung-Aroon Ruangsri in Thailand showed that ginger alleviated nausea in pregnant…
GingerNauseaPregnancyMorning SicknessHyperemesis GravidarumIn 2004, Shu-Shya Heh, Lindsey Coombes, and Helen Bartlett studied the association between Chinese postpartum (post-childbirth) practices and…
ChildbirthDepressionPregnancyPostpartum Depressiondepressive symptomsIn the 1950s and 1960s, researchers Leon Chesley, John Annitto, and Robert Cosgrove investigated the possible familial factor for the conditions of…
Chesley, Leon C., 1908-2000PreeclampsiaEclampsiaMargaret Hague Maternity Hospital (Jersey City, N.J.)PregnancyFrom February 2003 to December 2010, researchers of the Management of Myelomeningocele Study, or MOMS, clinical trial compared the safety and…
MeningomyeloceleSpina Bifida CysticaSpina BifidaNewborn infants--SurgeryHydrocephalusIn 2010, a team of US researchers concluded that the more peanuts a pregnant woman ate during her pregnancy, the more likely her newborn was to be…