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National Geographic's documentary In the Womb: Identical Twins focuses on the prenatal development of human identical twins. Director Lorne Townend…
LiteratureTwinsDocumentary filmsTestosteroneMethylationCharles Robert Cantor helped sequence the human genome, and he developed methods to non-invasively determine the genes in human fetuses. Cantor…
Human Genome ProjectDNAfetal developmentFetusEmbryosIn the 1950s and 1960s, researchers Leon Chesley, John Annitto, and Robert Cosgrove investigated the possible familial factor for the conditions of…
Chesley, Leon C., 1908-2000PreeclampsiaEclampsiaMargaret Hague Maternity Hospital (Jersey City, N.J.)PregnancyLeon Chesley studied hypertension, or high blood pressure, in pregnant women during the mid-twentieth century. Chesley studied preeclampsia and…