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Joseph Bolivar DeLee was an obstetrician in the US between the nineteenth and twentieth centuries who advocated for the specialized teaching of…
Medicine--History--BibliographyMedicine--United States--HistoryMedicine--History--20th centuryChildbirthObstetrical ForcepsIn 1920, Joseph Bolivar DeLee published the article, “The Prophylactic Forceps Operation,” in which he describes how physicians can manually remove a…
LiteratureMedicine--United States--HistoryMedicine--History--20th centuryChildbirthChildbirth at homeIn 1972, Peter Mazur, Stanley Leibo, and Ernest Chu published, “A Two-Factor Hypothesis of Freezing Injury: Evidence from Chinese Hamster Tissue-…
LiteratureCryonicsCryosurgeryMedicine--History--20th centuryOsmosis