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In 2019, Americans United for Life, hereafter AUL, published a model legislation, called the Women’s Right to Know Act, in their annual publication…
LiteratureAbortionAbortion, InducedInduced AbortionMaternal-Fetal MedicineAs of 2021, twenty-eight US states have informed consent laws for abortion, which is a medical procedure to terminate pregnancy, often called Women’s…
AbortionAbortion, InducedInduced AbortionInformed ConsentGynecologyIn 2013, Cynthia Daniels and a team of researchers at Rutgers University in New Brunswick, New Jersey, founded the Informed Consent Project. Daniels…
OrganizationAbortionAbortion, InducedInduced AbortionInformed ConsentArticles
LiteratureAbortionAbortion, InducedInduced AbortionInformed ConsentMilan Vuitch was an abortion provider in the twentieth century, who performed thousands of abortions in Washington, DC, at a time when abortions were…
Abortion--Law and legislation--United StatesAbortionAbortion ClinicsPro-choice movementWomen's rightsIn 1986, Vern L. Katz, Deborah J. Dotters, and William Droegemueller published “Perimortem Cesarean Delivery,” an article in which they developed the…
LiteratureCesarean SectionCardiac ArrestPregnancyPregnancy--Complications