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In 1971, a group of researchers founded the Monash IVF Research Program with the mission to discover how in vitro fertilization, or IVF, techniques…
OrganizationFertilization in VitroFertilization in vitro, HumanFertilization in vitro, Human--Moral and ethical aspectsMicropropagationA vaginal speculum is a medical device that allows physicians and health providers to better view a woman’s cervix and vagina during pelvic exams…
VaginaHysteriaGynecologySecond-wave feminismReproductionArticles
LiteratureAbortionAbortion, InducedInduced AbortionInformed ConsentIn the early twentieth century US, Jean Paul Pratt and Edgar Allen conducted clinical experiments on women who had abnormal menstrual cycles. During…
EstrogenEndocrinologyDoisy, Edward Adelbert, 1893-1986MenstruationUterusRobert Lawson Tait was a physician who practiced abdominal surgery in the United Kingdom during the late nineteenth century. Physicians and…
AntisepsisAsepsisHysterectomyVivisectionPregnancy, EctopicHoratio Robinson Storer was a surgeon and anti-abortion activist in the 1800s who worked in the field of women’s reproductive health and led the…
PeopleAbortionAbortion servicesPro-life movementPro-life movement--United States