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Anencephaly is an open neural tube defect, meaning that part of the neural tube does not properly close or that it has reopened during early…
fetal developmentFetus--AbnormalitiesBirth DefectsEmbryologyPregnancySprayed extensively by the US military in Vietnam, Agent Orange contained a dioxin contaminant later found to be toxic to humans. Despite reports by…
Agent OrangeHerbicidesSpina BifidaNeural tube--AbnormalitiesSpinal cord--AbnormalitiesIn the US, one in 1000 births is affected by neural tube defects (NTD). A neural tube defect is a birth defect involving the malformation of body…
Neural Tube DefectsReproductionCongenital DisordersHuman DevelopmentFrom 1993 to 1995 researchers led by Robert J. Berry from the US Centers for Disease Control headquartered in Atlanta, Georgia, and Zhu Li from…
Center for Disease ControlFolic AcidFolic Acid DeficiencyFolic acid in human nutritionNeural tube--Abnormalities