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Richard Woltereck was a German zoologist and hydrobiologist who studied aquatic animals and extended the concept of Reaktionsnorm (norm of reaction)…
PeopleEvolutionHeredityEmbryologyAquatic animalsAt the turn of the twentieth century, William Bateson studied organismal variation and heredity of traits within the framework of evolutionary theory…
GeneticsHeredityMendel, Gregor, 1822-1884EvolutionEmbryologyEdmund Beecher Wilson experimented with Amphioxus (Branchiostoma) embryos in 1892 to identify what caused their cells to differentiate into new types…
Wilson, Edmund B. (Edmund Beecher), 1856-1939AmphioxusEmbryosEmbryologyDevelopmental BiologyTheodor Boveri investigated the mechanisms of heredity. He developed the chromosomal theory of inheritance and the idea of chromosomal individuality…
PeopleHeredityBiographyDavid Starr Jordan studied fish and promoted eugenics in the US during the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries. In his work, he embraced…
EugenicsEvolutionEmbryosEmbryologyHeredityPetr Kropotkin proposed the theory of Pleistocene ice age, alternative theories of evolution based on embryology, and he advocated anarchist and…
EvolutionHeredityInheritance of acquired charactersPaleogeography--PleistoceneAnarchismFirst published in 1930 and reprinted in 1972, Edward Stuart Russell's The Interpretation of Development and Heredity is a work of philosophical and…
LiteratureHeredityPublicationsWilhelm Ludvig Johannsen studied plants and helped found the field of genetics, contributing methods and concepts to the study of heredity around the…
GeneticsHeredityPhenotypeGenotype-environment interactionEvolutionPaul Kammerer conducted experiments on amphibians and marine animals at the Vivarium, a research institute in Vienna, Austria, in the early twentieth…
Kammerer, Paul, 1880-1926Kammerer, Paul, 1880-1926. Streitfrage der Vererbung erworbener Eigenschaften. EnglishInheritance of acquired charactersAdaptationMidwife toadsRichard Woltereck first described the concept of Reaktionsnorm (norm of reaction) in his 1909 paper 'Weitere experimentelle Untersuchungen uber Art-…
Woltereck, Richard, 1877-1944EvolutionDaphniaEmbryologyHeredity