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In 1987, the World Health Organization, or WHO, took action to improve the quality of maternal health around the world through the declaration of the…
PregnancyGestationPoorLow-income parentsMothers--MortalityIn 1861, William John Little published, “On The Influence of Abnormal Parturition, Difficult Labors, Premature Birth, and Asphyxia Neonatorum, on the…
LiteratureBirth injuries--ComplicationsCerebral PalsyCerebral palsiedMuscle SpasticityIn 1992, five maternal-infant health researchers founded Doulas of North America, later renamed DONA International to train certified birth…
OrganizationChildbirthObstetricsDelivery (Obstetrics)Natural childbirthIn 1907, researchers Bernhardt Kronig and Carl Gauss combined the drugs morphine and scopolamine to induce twilight sleep in women during childbirth…
MorphineScopolamineAnesthesia AdjuvantsAnesthesiaLabor (Obstetrics)William John Little was one of the first orthopedic surgeons to research congenital malformations and their causes in the nineteenth century and…
Birth injuries--ComplicationsCerebral PalsyCerebral palsiedMuscle SpasticitySpasticityRenate Blumenfeld-Kosinski published Not of Woman Born in 1990. The book is a historical account of the cesarean birth procedure, hereafter c-section…
Cesarean SectionAbdominal DeliveryC-Section (OB)Caesarean SectionDelivery, AbdominalTwilight Sleep (Dammerschlaf) was a form of childbirth first used in the early twentieth century in Germany in which drugs caused women in labor to…
ObstetricsDelivery (Obstetrics)Labor (Obstetrics)ChildbirthScopolamineIn 2008, Barranca Productions released a documentary called The Business of Being Born, detailing the topic of childbirth. Ricki Lake and Abby…
LiteratureChildbirthObstetricsParturitionDelivery (Obstetrics)